mandag 14. desember 2009

Takkehilsen fra Zacharia

6. oktober
Hello,we are always greatful and we will continue to be this way till our life time for your good thought but sierra leone and we inpartivular.we all hope to see you once again in our mist to gain your knoledge more.interviews will soon set up and classes will begin as soon as possible.weare puting ourselves together for more work.thank you for your good thought.

16. nov
I will check at the bank tomorrow morning and see for myself if the money has arrive.Hope everything will be ok.Ishall be very greatful with this heavenly act and i will remain greatful .Thanks

21 nov
I am just from the bank and i have received my own money.I also went to the other bank to pay my college fees but the banks are all closed.I will pay the fees on monday coming.Mohamed and Bobson will check theirs on monday since there own banks do not operate during the weeekend.You will get the answer when they receive theirs.
I remained greatful and do appreciate the good work you have done for us and sierra Leone at large.No body will pay you except God .Will you continue to rise in all your undertakens and may God help us in our study.All our families and the people of this country love to see you and your kind.Clases are now in progres though i do not attend last week.

2. des
I received Edmonds money yesterday and he has paid.We also managed to pay for Bobson and Mohamed since they were constantly asked out of class for the fees.We are wainting anciously for the arrival of their money so they can replace ours and other quaters .My own bank do not have any problem in transfering except for any transfer one percent wil be but this is no problem.Wil have now started full clases.than you very much.We wil get on to you if we need something.

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